For the first time since being here, something has gotten me down. :(
Sarah is sick! I even missed my second day of work in 8 months!
It started with a sore throat.
Followed by severe headaches and nasal congestion.....and now.......a cough.
Sudafed Cold and Cough....gone.
(Both definitely NOT sold here....Walgreen's....not even close. It's not like the states where you can just walk into a drug store or supermarket and pick up what you need. Nope EVERYTHING is sold behind the counter. AND you can only buy medicines at a pharmacy....)
Walked in to the pharmacy about 10 minutes from my apartment only to learn that they don't sell cough syrup.
Here is the conversation between me and the pharmacist....
Him: "I think you need to see a doctor."
Me: "Yes. Are there any around who speak English?"
Him: "Oh. No. No."
Me: No comment, just looking like, ok and they will be able to assist me how? And how will I inform them of my allergy to amoxicillin (in the penicillin family)??
My solution: God's healing hands, Halls cough drops, hot tea with lemon and honey......
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Korean Schools
I may not always remember my students' names, but I do always remember faces. This is true both here and in the states. I met my second high school class today (it's their first year in high school, I had them last semester at the middle school). As I looked around observing how many of the students look a little older, I noticed some new faces.
I asked where they were from and all (5) responses were the same, "Chuncheon." Chuncheon is a much bigger city than Seoseok (country side) and is about 30-45 minutes away. I then asked why they came all the way to Seoseok to go to school. Not meaning to put any of the "newbies" on the spot, I soon learned why. One of the boys said, "I failed the middle school exam (said as hands covered their faces) and so did he, her, we all failed."
Not good.....
Seoseok schools are at the low end of the totem pole. With the exception of a few, students are usually not expected to do well on their middle school end of the year exam. Chuncheon, on the other hand, has some of the best schools. A few of the middle school students who scored high on their exams attend school in Chuncheon. In particular, one girl moved there with her mother so that she could get a better education, and one of the boys will live in the dormitory on his schools' campus (yes, high schools "house" students).
While I had dinner at Outback Steakhouse (in Chuncheon), one of the servers began talking to me. I learned that she is a college student (referred to as university). She is studying environmental management. I learned that she absolutely hates it! I asked her if she planned to change her major and she told me no! She can't because, "I failed my high school end of the year exam so this is what I have to study."
I just shook my head....
I asked where they were from and all (5) responses were the same, "Chuncheon." Chuncheon is a much bigger city than Seoseok (country side) and is about 30-45 minutes away. I then asked why they came all the way to Seoseok to go to school. Not meaning to put any of the "newbies" on the spot, I soon learned why. One of the boys said, "I failed the middle school exam (said as hands covered their faces) and so did he, her, we all failed."
Not good.....
Seoseok schools are at the low end of the totem pole. With the exception of a few, students are usually not expected to do well on their middle school end of the year exam. Chuncheon, on the other hand, has some of the best schools. A few of the middle school students who scored high on their exams attend school in Chuncheon. In particular, one girl moved there with her mother so that she could get a better education, and one of the boys will live in the dormitory on his schools' campus (yes, high schools "house" students).
While I had dinner at Outback Steakhouse (in Chuncheon), one of the servers began talking to me. I learned that she is a college student (referred to as university). She is studying environmental management. I learned that she absolutely hates it! I asked her if she planned to change her major and she told me no! She can't because, "I failed my high school end of the year exam so this is what I have to study."
I just shook my head....
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Gallery
Last week I was asked to teach a few extra English classes at one of my elementary schools. I agreed to do it, not because I will be getting paid for it, but because I have such a good time with the 3rd thru 6th graders. I enjoy this particular elementary school, and it doesn't help that the kids spoil me rotten. For example, a few students gave me small birthday gifts, which consisted of candy. One of my 6th graders handed me a small package the week after my birthday apologizing because she didn't give it to me the week before. It was a small memo book with a note that said,
Dear Sarah,
Happy Birthday!
Last Saturday was your birthday.
I didn't know that last English class.
I want to celebrate your birthday in Korea.
Even though it was late.
You are always happy and nice.
So I am glad to learn English from you.
I wish you will meet Abraham as a husband.
Be happy.
Sua Lee
Fast forward to co-teacher, Mrs. Kim, from the elementary school, came and picked me up so that I could select the teaching material for the students' extra English classes. After we left the bookstore we stopped at a small multipurpose store. It was here that Mrs. Kim informed me that I would need to start wearing a face mask on days it looked foggy outside. She went on to explain to me that it is not fog, but instead yellow dust that is blowing over from China, and that it is not good for your health. Needless to say, she bought me about 12 face masks, told me when to wear them, and how often I can wear one mask. She also showed me how I can tell that the yellow dust is in the air.
Later we met up with Mr. Lee and his son, the vice principal, his wife, and his son to eat dinner. We went to a takkogi (tahk-koh-ghee) restaurant (chicken). After good conversation (the vice principal's son was the "translator") and a delicious meal, we headed to the Gallery, which is a Korean cafe for more conversation. When I was asked my age the question of marriage came up. I revealed my age and stated that yes, one day I would like to/plan to marry. The vice principal's wife said (through her son) that they have a daughter who is a year older than me who is married with her first baby. I laughed....literally, adding that I plan on finishing all of my schooling (yhep, I'm going for the BIG one next!) first and then begin working on a family because to me it would be easier that way. "Oh, good, good!" was the response I received.
As the evening began to end, Mr. Lee shared with me that I am loved and respected by the other teachers as well as the students. He also told me that he enjoys my class because he is able to learn English with his students while I teach. Before we all left the cafe, he told me that they (Mr. Lee and his son, the vice principal, his wife and son, and Mrs. Kim) are my new Korean family.
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L to R: Vice Principal, me, Mr. Lee's son, Mr. Lee, Vice Principal's son and wife Not pictured: Mrs. Kim |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Scroll #7
Today I: (let's see if you can follow along...good luck...)
*Went to my two new elementary schools (so that makes a total of 5 schools), both of which are in my town, but are not in walking distance of my apartment. One of the teachers picked me up and took me to school (Wa-dong Elementary), no bus goes to this school because it is in the far country side. I was told that I only had to prepare ONE lesson for the 1st and 2nd graders only to find out that I needed to prepare lessons for ALL 6 classes! I had to improvise on the spot!
*My last class at Wa-dong Elementary ends at 10:50 a.m. and my next class at Joo-bong Elementary begins at 11:00 a.m. This school is 5-7 minutes car. So, another person takes me to Joo-bong Elementary....needless to say the schedule was changed to give me a little bit of time in between going from one school to the next.
*After a native teacher came from another school to try to help the situation (lessons, transportation, translation) the co-teacher finally understood. When I asked about the bus and bus times to go home, no one knew. One of the young ladies working in the office was worried when I said, "I will just walk, no worries..." she felt sorry for me and printed a map and told me she didn't want me walking......
*The teacher at Joo-bong Elementary explained to me that she understood where I was coming from, apologized for all of the confusion, and later shared with me that she tried to explain this to my "main" co-teacher at my middle school days ago. His response, "Okay." What?!?!
My response to ALL of Life Scroll #7: I will laugh at the world. How can I laugh when confronted with man or deed which offends me so as to bring forth my tears or curses? 4 words: THIS TOO SHALL PASS. (Revised from, The Greatest Salesman in the World)
I ended up walking home from Joo-bong Elementary. How long did it take me? 30 minutes....good exercise!
*Went to my two new elementary schools (so that makes a total of 5 schools), both of which are in my town, but are not in walking distance of my apartment. One of the teachers picked me up and took me to school (Wa-dong Elementary), no bus goes to this school because it is in the far country side. I was told that I only had to prepare ONE lesson for the 1st and 2nd graders only to find out that I needed to prepare lessons for ALL 6 classes! I had to improvise on the spot!
*My last class at Wa-dong Elementary ends at 10:50 a.m. and my next class at Joo-bong Elementary begins at 11:00 a.m. This school is 5-7 minutes car. So, another person takes me to Joo-bong Elementary....needless to say the schedule was changed to give me a little bit of time in between going from one school to the next.
*After a native teacher came from another school to try to help the situation (lessons, transportation, translation) the co-teacher finally understood. When I asked about the bus and bus times to go home, no one knew. One of the young ladies working in the office was worried when I said, "I will just walk, no worries..." she felt sorry for me and printed a map and told me she didn't want me walking......
*The teacher at Joo-bong Elementary explained to me that she understood where I was coming from, apologized for all of the confusion, and later shared with me that she tried to explain this to my "main" co-teacher at my middle school days ago. His response, "Okay." What?!?!
My response to ALL of Life Scroll #7: I will laugh at the world. How can I laugh when confronted with man or deed which offends me so as to bring forth my tears or curses? 4 words: THIS TOO SHALL PASS. (Revised from, The Greatest Salesman in the World)
I ended up walking home from Joo-bong Elementary. How long did it take me? 30 minutes....good exercise!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Thoughts for My 30
March 5, 2011!
30 years of being alive! As a kid, I never thought about turning 30. At first, as the months kept inching toward March I was terrified, but now that the time has finally arrived, I'm okay with it. I think I am so much (more) mature--spiritually, mentally, and emotionally than 10 years ago, (which is a good thing of course). I know I still have a ways to go and I shall continue to press on.
What I missed the most on my "BIG" day was receiving a bouquet of flowers with sunflowers (my favorite) from my mom. For years she has sent me flowers and it's always my big highlight. This year, my highlights came to me through thoughts, reading, and kind words.
Highlight 1
As I studied Saturday morning, it finally "hit" me--I mean really hit me that Jesus prays for me to His Father! John 17--I have read this passage before, but only now do I truly understand what Jesus' words mean. My favorite part is verse 26...I inserted my own name for the pronoun "them", "I have made you (God) known to Sarah, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me (Jesus) may be in her and that I myself (Jesus) may be in her" (NIV). How amazing!
Highlight 2
I listened to and absorbed the words of Israel Houghton's songs, "I am a Friend (of God)" and "Moving Forward." Again, for me it was one of those times where I have heard the song ("I am a Friend") before, but never really took the time to fully listen to (and understand) the words. As I did they took on a completely new meaning. I am so (very) thankful that my Friend dries every tear, listens to every thought/dream, and steers me in the right direction regardless of how painful I think it may be. He knows me and loves me so much that He will never put more on me than what He knows I can bear.
"Moving Forward" is about just that--moving forward, letting go of the past and pressing on in and with life. Just as God has ALL power in His hands and raised Jesus from the dead, I have the power within me to move forward and live a meaningful life that He has called me to live. I will move forward by following Him.
Highlight 3
I thought about this....I'm 30 and I'm single. Though this may be true, my heart is content because I know that when God is ready for me to marry, He will bless me with an incredible man, whom I believe will be the man of my dreams. Until that day, I will wait on God.
Highlight 4
My friend Yatarra surprised me by having the "girls" get together in Seoul! I was floored! When I walked into "my surprise" the look on my face was priceless. We attended a B-boy Show (Korean break dancing) and ate good! It was a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Highlight 5
I received so many emails from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday and lots of love!
Yes, my 30th birthday was definitely an enjoyable one. For me, I will forever remember it and the memories. I look forward to growing more, loving more, and having/feeling/experiencing more joy than I ever have.
Mom and dad thanks for being such terrific parents to me for the past 30 years. Thank you for your love, support, love, encouragement, love, guidance, and more love! Mom thanks for enduring the labor pain from giving birth to me....I know I was worth it! :)
30 years of being alive! As a kid, I never thought about turning 30. At first, as the months kept inching toward March I was terrified, but now that the time has finally arrived, I'm okay with it. I think I am so much (more) mature--spiritually, mentally, and emotionally than 10 years ago, (which is a good thing of course). I know I still have a ways to go and I shall continue to press on.
What I missed the most on my "BIG" day was receiving a bouquet of flowers with sunflowers (my favorite) from my mom. For years she has sent me flowers and it's always my big highlight. This year, my highlights came to me through thoughts, reading, and kind words.
Highlight 1
As I studied Saturday morning, it finally "hit" me--I mean really hit me that Jesus prays for me to His Father! John 17--I have read this passage before, but only now do I truly understand what Jesus' words mean. My favorite part is verse 26...I inserted my own name for the pronoun "them", "I have made you (God) known to Sarah, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me (Jesus) may be in her and that I myself (Jesus) may be in her" (NIV). How amazing!
Highlight 2
I listened to and absorbed the words of Israel Houghton's songs, "I am a Friend (of God)" and "Moving Forward." Again, for me it was one of those times where I have heard the song ("I am a Friend") before, but never really took the time to fully listen to (and understand) the words. As I did they took on a completely new meaning. I am so (very) thankful that my Friend dries every tear, listens to every thought/dream, and steers me in the right direction regardless of how painful I think it may be. He knows me and loves me so much that He will never put more on me than what He knows I can bear.
"Moving Forward" is about just that--moving forward, letting go of the past and pressing on in and with life. Just as God has ALL power in His hands and raised Jesus from the dead, I have the power within me to move forward and live a meaningful life that He has called me to live. I will move forward by following Him.
Highlight 3
I thought about this....I'm 30 and I'm single. Though this may be true, my heart is content because I know that when God is ready for me to marry, He will bless me with an incredible man, whom I believe will be the man of my dreams. Until that day, I will wait on God.
Highlight 4
My friend Yatarra surprised me by having the "girls" get together in Seoul! I was floored! When I walked into "my surprise" the look on my face was priceless. We attended a B-boy Show (Korean break dancing) and ate good! It was a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Highlight 5
I received so many emails from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday and lots of love!
Yes, my 30th birthday was definitely an enjoyable one. For me, I will forever remember it and the memories. I look forward to growing more, loving more, and having/feeling/experiencing more joy than I ever have.
Mom and dad thanks for being such terrific parents to me for the past 30 years. Thank you for your love, support, love, encouragement, love, guidance, and more love! Mom thanks for enduring the labor pain from giving birth to me....I know I was worth it! :)
Title of was good! |
One of the breakers... |
The two main characters.... |
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One of the female breakers... |
"The Girls" From L to R: Precious, YaTarra, me, Lexi, and Seoul |
Enjoying my gifts, one of which was a crown. Did you know that Sarah means "Princess"? That wasn't the reason it was given to me though... |
More gifts... |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
For my SISTER....
29 years ago today my sister was born! I surprised her by calling her this morning (night time here)! She was elated....and I was too! As little girls we used to get a kick out of being the same age for a few days.
My favorite memory was watching my sister open her presents. Since mine was only 3 days from hers, I always knew what to expect!!! :)
Happy Birthday Carole Jean!!! I love you!
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This picture is SUPER old (2009...taken by mom), but it's the only one that I have here of me and my sis..... The expression on our just had to be there..... |
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