Saturday, August 21, 2010

South Korean Firsts.....

An-young-ha-say-yo! (Hello)

So many firsts today in SK!
*I had my first (real) Korean dish.  I think it was pork, which I rarely ate in the states!
*Said thank you to a Korean and received a smile in return.  (Both times they knew I was trying and I gave them a thumbs up)
*Learned so much Korean my head is still spinning!
*Washed my first load of clothes in a Korean washer.  (Dryers are very rare here, being me, I did find one with the help of a sista on my floor!)

We received a full....literally......medical exam, with blood tests, weight, height, body fat, waist size (what they need that for I have no clue!), x-ray, hearing, and general health questions.  I thought I was going to pass out because we couldn't eat after 9 p.m. last night AND I had just got in from a nice rigorous walk in the park.  I was fine though so no worries!

As I meet new people throughout my time here, I can't help but to think about how THANKFUL I am.  I am thankful that God has provided me with a sense of direction, thankful that HE has shown me my purpose in this life, thankful that I am in my career and know what I want to do.  It's a wonderful feeling to know that I have grace and mercy.

Enjoy the various pictures.......

  • a picture from my morning walk with my roommate from Idaho (glad I am with someone who likes to workout as much as I do! CJM this park is wayyyyy harder than the hill we used to do back in KCMO!)
  • a piece of exercise equipment that is outside in the park (no need to get a gym membership here! they have something for every body part!)
  • having lunch with some friends that will also be teaching in Gangwon-do
  • a Korean washer and dryer (thankfully, the instructions were written on the side in English...I just had to match up the symbols/letters)


  1. Awesome Sarah! I'm glad you are having a good time. It sounds interesting. So what did you think about the food? What does the air smell like? Now hurry and find clothes and designer bags so I can get the scoop lol.
    Love Ya

  2. Dee you are so silly! The food isn't too bad, but I do miss my tuna and salmon! Too much pork for me. Rice is one of their staple foods, so it is served with every meal. Um, the air isn't too bad I guess. It only smells if you are by a sewer or a lot of trash.


    Hey Sarah!!! :-D :-D :-D looks like you are having soo much fun!

    Yay for drying clothes lol!!!
    "Rigorous walk" whimp lol jk jk jk!! I probably would have fainted! lol
    Workout buddy - God! So so good!!

    Hey,fam and friends if you are having trouble commenting this may help

    To comment:

    Go to the bottom of Sar's post -Click on comment

    Under "Post a Comment" look for "Comment as: Select Profile" - Scroll down and pick a site (I use Google Account)

    (You’ll need an account with one of these sites. To get an account you'll just need to sign up for one. I have a Gmail account. ( - same thing as google account) It’s just like having another email. If I recall correctly they only ask for name, a password of your choice, and for you to agree to terms of use.

    I hope this helps!

    Glad you are settling in Sar!!! Hear from you soon! :-D

  4. I love you ANG!!!!! Thank you so much. I had no idea you had to do all that, but nonetheless I hope that doesn't keep anyone from following along! :)
