Sunday, October 31, 2010

Just Another Day in the Life of Sarah Lou....

I went hiking today for the first time in my life!  I went with a friend from South Africa.  I was more than appreciative that she had time to accompany me on the hike.  If I had gone by myself I know I would have gotten lost!  It was breathtaking to say the least, not to mention a wonderful workout, especially for the legs!  As cold as it was, I managed to work up a pretty nice sweat.

As we hiked she explained to me so many things about her country.  I now know (although I may not fully understand), the reasons as to why blacks are called, "blacks" or "colored".   Why was she telling me all of this?  Because I asked!  Before she started she explained that it could be a sensitive topic and that she didn't want me to take offensive.  I understood.  After she explained all of this, she went on to tell me more about South Africa.  I explained to her that I had never been to her country and had only seen movies about various places.  To my surprise, she informed me that a lot of what I have seen (in Blood DiamondHotel Rwanda for example), really happens.  All I could think to say was, "Unbelievable."  She went on to share more of her experiences of living in South Africa.  I asked if she wanted to go back after her contract expires in Korea and her response was that yes she planned on returning. She was born and raised there and her family is there and she loves her country despite what may be oppressing some of the people there.

Being here in Korea and hearing stories about other countries makes me even more proud to say that I am a United States Citizen.  Yes, we (America) have our fair share of problems and issues.  Yes, there is still hatred and prejudice.  BUT.....we are free!  Women can work and have children, we can go to another state as we please, our children don't have to work in fields, we have laws that govern and a justice system, that although we may not all agree with, is still in place.

Yes, I am proud to be a United States Citizen and being here makes me appreciate America that much more.

**Having issues posting pictures so I will try again tomorrow!** 

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