Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pepperoni Pizza, Coke, and a Side of Favor Please....

So I went to get pizza instead of going to the gym today.

I got what I always do, pepperoni pizza and a coke (which you would never catch me drinking in the states).

I gave my card to the pizza man. He swiped it and said, "No".  I look at him and he swiped it, again. "No."

Thinking there was something wrong with my card, I looked at him confused.  I tried to explain to him that I would be right back.  I needed to go down the street to my bank.

I arrived at the bank only to learn that the ATM machines were not working. I attempted to ask the woman "manning" the machines how long it would be before the machines begin working.  Of course she didn't know.  I also asked her if this would affect people trying to use their cards.  She apologized and told me yes.

Side note: Being here for all of 9 months now, I have realized that Koreans speak more English than they would like people to believe....it's been more than one occasion when I have tried to speak the little amount of Korean I do know, sounding ridiculous, only to later learn that Koreans do in fact know English, even though they say, "I don't speak English" (?).........I know what you are thinking. Do you ask them if they speak English before you begin talking to them? Your answer: y-e-s!

I headed back to the pizza place to tell the man (and his wife) that I would be right back because I needed to go home and get the cash.  I also explained that the bank was out of order. His wife looked at me and said, "No. No."  The husband said, "Just come back tomorrow and pay. Write your hand-phone (cell) number and your name."

Taken aback by their kindness I said, "Okay.  (Pointing to my face) Remember my face! I will be back tomorrow!"

The pizza man shook his head and smiled, "Oh yes. Pretty face! I remember. Very pretty."


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