Sunday, July 31, 2011

August O-N-E

August has arrived!  Hip, hip, hooray!!!  It has been one year since I left the knowns of Houston, Texas for the unknowns of South Korea.  What a year it has been!

I will return to America in 12 days....unbelievable I know!

I plan on doing a countdown beginning on Thursday, August 4th, as that will mark 10 days until I am scheduled to return.  So, instead of using words, I will (try my hardest to) post pictures, one for every day that I have remaining in Korea.

As a final farewell, I will post a reflection of the past year.  Because I probably won't have internet until I am stateside, I will more than likely write on the plane and post once I am safe and sound on U.S. soil! :)

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