My SORORS who are so PRETTY in pink and GORGEOUS in green held their annual scholarship Step Show, "So You Think You Can Step" this past weekend in Seoul. At the end of the night, the scholarship goal was met and exceeded. All nine Greek organizations were in attendance of which 3 Sororities (AKAs, Deltas and SGRhos) and 3 Fraternities (Kappas, Alphas, and of course...the Ques) stepped. There were two non-greek groups who also stepped and showed out!
Sorors doing their thang.....their theme was Flinstones.... |
For the most part it was a really good show for an even better cause. There was a lot of Greek love, which I can always appreciate and I met a few Sorors who also live here. I was quite surprised to see as many Greeks as I did! I had no idea that there were so many here, not to mention the Greek "gear" that they were sporting! Ooh wee! One of a kind is all I can say! I was on a mission (most of the night) to find out where they got their stuff made. Thanks to two of my Sorors I found out! I guess you know where I will be this weekend! Enjoy the pictures from the show!
Oh yes! Who won?! The group that I wanted to win for the non-greeks didn't. I wasn't too happy about that and I saw one little girl crying her eyes out in the bathroom. The Deltas won for the sororities and I can't say which fraternity won because we left before they announced the winner. I felt sorry for the judges on that decision because the Alphas did a fantastic job with their tribute to Ray Charles and the Ques.....well, what else is there to say........
Non-greek group... |
Deltas....theme was Charlie's Angels... |
Kappas.... |
Alphas....tribute to Ray Charles.... |
Ques..... |
Korean Drill Team...opened the show....
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