134 days! Who would have thought!
Before coming to Korea I had not the slightest idea of what to expect. All I knew was that I was ecstatic to be able to go to a foreign place to share my gift of teaching with others.
Arriving however, produced the biggest shock of my life. Culture shock is REAL! During orientation I felt invencible and thought I wouldn't be affected by it.
Orientation was in Seoul....
I live in Hongcheon and teach in the rural countryside.....
I will admit in the beginning I had a negative attitude and was ready to pack my bags and return to what I "knew" in the United States. While I had this thought, I also thought about how hard I had prayed for this opportunity. I thought about all of the work I had put in gathering important documents. I thought about the many times I second guessed myself and thought maybe, just maybe that this wasn't for me after all. I thought about all of the times I cried to close friends about how things were "panning" out and how I was worrying about things that God already had (long) under control.
My conclusion was that I couldn't leave, not when God answered every prayer that I had prayed months before I was scheduled to arrive; from my living conditions (of which are very suitable for lil ole me), to the students that I work with, and the people whom have been put into my life here--YES! right now I am where I am supposed to be! Words will never be able to express the amount of gratitude that I wake up with everyday.
Having been here for 134 days now, I have learned so much. I have learned about a different group of people, how they live and their culture. I have learned how to treat others better, and most importantly, I am learning more and more about myself AND how to truly lean, depend, and trust God in and with everything that I have.
I am thankful that my being here has brought me that much closer to my Father. I am thankful for the "newness" that I feel; new attitude, positive attitude, even when things aren't looking so hot, a more keen appreciation for life in general. I'm thankful for patience, adaptability, and flexibility.
With three weeks off, instead of visiting other foreign places, I have chosen to go home, to America, to visit my own family. I miss them more than I ever thought I would, especially being able to call and talk to my sister at the drop of a hat about whatever "random" things have happened to one of us throughout the day. I miss being able to call, text, and talk to friends, or swap "one more of life's events" with my girl Ang.
Thank you Korea for helping me to continuously become a better person, for allowing me to share my gift with students most teachers would love to fill their classrooms with, for the people who have been put into my life here, new friendships, and most of all for the relationship that has been enhanced and further developed with my Heavenly Father.
Until 2011....Anyong-hi kyeseyo (Goodbye, stay in peace)
*** I won't be blogging while I am away; however, upon my return I will pick up where I left off! Thank you for keeping up with me thus far along my adventure and I hope to catch you during the second "leg"! Stay tunned.
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