Saturday, January 22, 2011

There is Nothing Like Family

After an exciting, enjoyable, relaxingmuch needed three weeks with close friends and family, I have arrived back to Korea safe and sound.  I will admit, as the days drew closer and closer for me to leave my beloved country, I literally dreaded the thought of having to come back.  This was mainly because I had such an amazing time at home.  I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but it felt good to be around those whom I love so much.  I had a blast spending time with my parents, seeing my brothers and sister, nieces, nephews, my aunt and uncle, grandparents, and Godson.  I even had the chance to see my BFFs!  I also enjoyed a few basketball games of which someone dear to me refereed.  No I didn't want to leave.  I kept on thinking in my head, Do I HAVE to?

But the fact of the matter is that I had to snap back into reality and finish what I started back in August.  I arrived back to my apartment safe and sound only to find....

Not too sure what was going on here, but at least the pipes didn't freeze!  Management came in, which they only do in the case of emergencies, and turned on the bathroom facet and checked the boiler.  No frozen pipes here!  

On top of that, I received a phone call later that night from my co teacher telling me that Seoseok, the town where I work, had been completely "shut down" the week before due to cow disease (thanks for the heads up Miss Sharon).  She also told me that the English Camp that is planned for next week may be cancelled because of it.  And people wondered why I haven't eaten any meat besides fish and chicken since I've been here!

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