Sunday, September 12, 2010

Enjoying Seoul.....

This weekend was somewhat eventful.  It felt good to be able to go to Seoul with the girls to just hang out and relax.  We were able to find a nail shop, although, it is nothing like my spot in the states! We were still able to enjoy the services nonetheless!

I met a Soror from Texas who is in the Army.  She reassured us that she would be our "mother" while we were here.

I am preparing for another week of school.  This is the last week before Cheouseok Holiday, which is the Korean Thanksgiving.  Interestingly it lasts for 3 days.  I am teaching my middle school kids about our Thanksgiving Holiday in comparison to their Cheouseok.

Below you will find photos of my apartment (of which I am very thankful for....3 bedrooms, a full bathroom, and more space than I know what to do with!); the weekend in Seoul and the hotel we stayed in.  Please excuse the disorganization of the photos....

Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. That pic for the lips on the wall is cool. I'm so late lol i know!!!!
