Thursday, September 9, 2010

No Words

I can't help but to share all of the good things that God is allowing to happen to me on a daily basis.  

One of the math teachers offered to let me live in her house (I would have it to myself).  In the beginning she was going to charge me for utilities (gas, water, etc.).  She lives in the town where I teach, so I would ride to work with her instead of riding the bus.  She suggested that I live in Saesoak (town where I teach) during the week and Hongcheon during the week.  Needless to say I told her I would think about it....this was at the beginning of the week.  Today my co-teacher told me that she (the math teacher) wouldn't charge me anything if I wanted to live in the spare house!  If I didn't want to stay there all week, she said that I could just go and stay whenever I wanted to.....

I also found out that one of the teachers from the elementary where I work on Fridays is going to pick me up every Friday for work! What does this mean? NO BUS!!!! and I can save that bus money!  Hearing this, all I could do was smile and look upward!  

Last week, when I met one of my high school classes I noticed a swastika on a notebook.  I explained to my students why my face was so frowned up when I saw it and they understood.  We had a brief discussion about Hitler, hatred, Jews, etc.  I didn't realize until afterwards what they were trying to explain to me....that that symbol means something COMPLETELY different in Korea.  When I walked into the classroom today the symbol was on the board again, AND it had how their symbol is different from the swastika.  It was a definite learning moment for me and it all made sense!  I thanked the students for 'schoolen' me! (The symbol is different because of the strokes.....the way that it is made).

And finally.  So, the EPIK Teachers in my Providence have to take a Korean language class.  In the beginning, I was thinking, "You can't be serious!" I was not looking forward to going (even though I knew I wanted to learn the language...) After 3 days of frustration I decided that I HAVE to be proactive and can't wait for the language to automatically come to me.  So, after getting upset and wanting to give up, I came home after class and decided to study, I mean really study.  And, after an hour and 30 min, I can proudly (and thankfully!) say that I know the Korean Alphabet and can slowly read it (key word slowly!).  I was too excited, so much so that I wanted to keep on going, but I had to get ready for work......nobody but HIM! 


  1. Sarah, You are such a wonderful teacher. You have so much to give. What a beautiful journey you are on!! I will keep you in my prayers!!
    Sincerely, Charlotte Rogers

  2. Mrs. Rogers!!! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for following the blog! I will never forget you or your words of encouragement when I was at Central Middle! Take care! :)
