Monday, September 6, 2010

Not Again!!

And so.....

I got on the WRONG bus today!  Luckily, it didn't leave the station.  As the bus driver came around to collect tickets, he looked at mine and said, "Seoseok,  wrong bus!" (using broken English of course...)  As he said that, the bus I needed to be on was leaving!  This was a 8:00 a.m. by the way.  The next one wasn't until 9:45 a.m. and I had to be to work by 9 a.m.!  I called my co-teacher and explained what happened.  She understood.  I was mad at first, but then settled down when I started reading In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. (This is a VERY, VERY GOOD book by the way! Thanks Jean!)

I met my second group of high school kids today.  Oh I love them!  I did have to get on one young fellow for trying to mock me!  I was proud of all of them because their English is better than they think it is.  Thus far, I have met all of my students.  It's funny how I use to always say, "Oh I would NEVER teach elementary or high school!  NEVER!"  But since I have been here, I actually really, really like teaching elementary and high school.  Middle school....not so much.  In America yes, but here...I'll pass!  Though this bunch of middle schoolers aren't may favorite group, I will continue to do the best that I can to prepare and equip them for whatever life has in store for them.

I also found out today that I will be teaching English to the teachers at both the middle and high schools to improve their English vocabulary and conversation.  I'm actually looking forward to that!


  1. Oh sweet a little peer teaching!

    Guess what I'll be reading ;-). Love you Sar!!!

  2. Um.....I don't know....I don't get it! Grrrrr.....

  3. So you know I want to say Dorcus or something like that but since we have company... lol In a Pit and something about lions lol lol clearly too lazy to scroll back up to the top! lol
